Writing my way home

Normalcy Bias

Jan 19, 2025

Change is in the air. I feel it as I walk down the street. I feel it as I overhear a conversation between two mothers eating lunch WholeFoods complaining about how awful the allopathic medical system is. I feel it as my Church in inundated with over 100 inquirers and catchecumens looking to experience the Orthodox faith.

I see it as I learn the Washington Post went from 21 million daily visitors in 2021 to 3 million in 2024. I see it as I hear Bible sales are up over 20% in 2024 and more and more media personalities opening avow their faith in Christ.

If you think the re-election of Donald Trump is a minor speed-bump in history and things will generally remain as they are, I contend you haven’t looked closely enough at what is happening.

Everywhere I look I see signs that things are changing. Conversations about topics that were extreme fringe and most would not even broach are increasingly common place. The light of Christ seems to be seeping back into the hearts of Americans, and I am a small part of this greater trend.

I don’t know the future, but I do know what is to come following January 20th, 2025 will not be the same at the past 80 years of the post-war international order.

I think it will be glorious, and I’m grateful to be alive during this time.

Enjoy the show.