Recently, I’ve become very invested in cleaning and organizing my apartment. I started with a desire to ensure there was no sources of mold and mildew that could be potentially taxing my immune system and that quickly grew into a generalized effort to bring cleanliness and order to as many details of my dwelling as possible. I’ve scrubbed the shower, I’ve dusted the bathroom fans, and sucked out bits of dirt and drywall residue from crevices of my apartment that probably hadn’t been touched by any previous tenant. There’s still much to be done, but I’ve been finding a lot of fun and satisfaction in this process.
A sense of peace and clarity arose in me as I went about cleaning. Reflecting on it, I feel there’s a spiritual element to bringing order and cleanliness as well. Demons are likely drawn to and able to dwell in the frequencies created by a dirty, chaotic living space. In the same way bugs, fungi, and parasites begin to inhabit a space in the physical plane, spiritual parasites and filth will fill the space’s corresponding ethereal plane.
A large portion of the Levitical laws related to sanitation. This likely wasn’t simply for symbolic of ceremonial purposes. Being exposed to mildew or parasites certainly doesn’t imply that one has committed a sin, but dwelling in a milieu of decay leads to disease. Chronic disease is an unnatural state that increases the difficulty of exercising free will and connecting with God.
When a dwelling is clean and orderly, it reduces the surface area where spiritual parasites can interact with my being. Basic things form a foundation of a lasting spiritual practice. It’s worth looking around your home and asking: does this space reflect the virtues of cleanliness and order?