The Threat from the Center
In this post I endeavor to take to task the purity-testers, the fence-sitters, the ostriches who bury their head in the toxic sands of contemporary society and use religion as an excuse to remain above the fray and avoid facing the dark truths about the state of the world. Those who conflate imperfections with the lesser of two evils are fools.
Let’s look at the world as I write this: fertility is falling, in large part because toxic additives are prevalent in the food supply, other poisons including (now-admitted) IQ-reducing fluoride are intentionally added to the water. Puberty is taking place at alarmingly early ages. Autism and auto-immune diseases are skyrocketing. Indoctrination with satanic gender ideology has now left us with 1/5 of children no longer identifying as heterosexual. Pornography addiction is almost universal, with more and more disgusting fetishes being mainstreamed each passing year.
Likely over a million Orthodox Christians have been killed in a proxy-war in the Ukraine; the Orthodox Church there has also been severely persecuted. Tens of millions of foreigners have been allowed to settle into Europe and America, causing social chaos. A satanic Zionist state occupying the Holy Land has blackmailed the politicians of half of the world and is currently enacting a genocidal holy war in order to create a ‘Greater Israel.’ Millions of young people are having heart problems and heart attacks from being coerced or deceived into injecting MRNA poison into their body under the guise of treatment for a disease.
We’re still going…
Culture is corrupted and run by Satan worshiping cultists who have degenerate sexual-orgies in part to entrap and blackmail entertainers to conform to their agenda. Scientists are openly talking about genetically modifying human beings to be incapable of eating meet (ostensibly to ‘save the environment’). Weather modification technology is creating large scale disasters destroying entire regions of the world. And on and on…
In the face of all of this the only person you can turn to for peace is God. I chose to become a Christian after over a decade dwelling in the rabbit warrens of conspiracy-land. I realized the only hope humanity had, in fact the only reason we are not already lost, is that God is real; Jesus Christ is God and his love for mankind is greater than any worldly force imaginable.
But apparently, in Christian circles, if I articulate support for any person who wants to change or attempt to improve the horrific issues I outlined earlier I MUST make sure I QUALIFY myself that THIS PERSON/PLACE/THING IS NOT MY SAVIOR AND I UNDERSTAND THAT PARADISE WILL NOT BE ACHIEVED IN THE WORLD.
On November 5th, 2024 Americans will have the option of voting for Donald Trump, a man (WHO IS NOT GOD AND NOT PERFECT AND NOT GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD) who openly talks about stopping many of the evil disgusting acts mentioned prior, and Kamala Harris, a puppet of the system who will continue the status quo.
Yet it feels like if I even articulate a desire that I don’t want to live in a world controlled by satanic pedophiles where all the food is poisoned, someone always comes out of the woodwork to remind me of the ’threat from the right’ and that I shouldn’t get too ‘invested’ in supporting Trump or whatever movement is actually in the arena trying to stop some of this evil.
I imagine Christians in 4th century Rome ranting about how Emperor Constantine isn’t going to save us and amplifying his sins right up until the moment Constantine ended the brutal persecution of Christians by his imperial decree. When he did this, the world became a better place, but it didn’t become a paradise. I hope if I was alive during that time I would be wholeheartedly supporting Constantine ending the persecution of Christians and support him in the face of his opposition.
Now in 2024 I wholeheartedly support Donald Trump (WHO IS NOT MY SPIRITUAL SAVIOR) standing up to the satanic death cult running our world destroying society and mentally, spiritually, and physically poisoning all of us. I pray for Donald Trump and his family and all those who are directly involved in the effort to free this nation from the yoke of the cult. We don’t need purity tests right now; we all know no one is perfect and just because someone isn’t a practicing Orthodox Christian does not mean God can’t use them. Constantine didn’t get baptized until the end of his life. God still used him and now he’s a saint (I’M NOT SAYING DONALD TRUMP WILL BECOME A SAINT).
So here in the 11th hour, the people who want to fence-sit and throw up their hand’s saying “it’s all the same,” those who want to caution me about “the threat from the right”, or how “this person isn’t a true Christian” or there’s “no worldly savior” need to sober up and acknowledge that the world is on the edge of falling into a very dark place. God has graced us with the option of choosing another path, a path that is not run by a satanic death cult that preys on human suffering, and I want to implore every man, woman, child, of every race and every religion to support this path for humanity.
A world where food is not full of cancer-causing industrial chemicals is not a paradise; it’s common sense.
Common Tropes
- When a controversial subject comes up someone will tone police by saying “Well how does this help us focus on Christ?” or another phrase along those lines.
- Rebuttal: How does acquiescing to a society run by people who implement macro level strategies to sever human connection with God help us focus on Christ. How does allowing Children to get trafficked, or poisoned so they develop autism, help them focus on Christ.
- Concern trolling about a sect of extreme or deluded supporters of a movement. “Some people think Trump is Archangel Micheal.”
- Rebuttal: Those people are responsible for their own beliefs. The target of someone’s delusions isn’t responsible for creating the delusion unless you can point to specific actions designed to manipulate people into perceiving in that way.
- Dismissing the importance of current events because other bad things happen at other places and times. “Oh people have always thought the world was going to end.”
- Rebuttal: This doesn’t mean that the dangers of today aren’t real. Societies DO collapse, and I’d rather not live through one if it’s avoidable. The other thing is people in other times did not have the ability to destroy large portions of the world with nuclear weapons or implement a global surveillance state. Even if there is truth in the sentiment, we are called to face the dangers of our time now as those people faced their own.
- Overemphasizing flaws or sins of a figure without acknowledging the evils he’s standing against. “Trump is very rude and mean.”
- Rebuttal: Trump also is not running Diddy sex blackmail rings where he is drugging and raping children. I’ll take being rude and mean for now please. Is it the lesser of two evils? Not even close. We’re talking about being callous versus being full-blown, demon-possessed here.
- Insinuating that it’s all an inside job or a psy-op to give people false hope without providing any concrete evidence of the theory. “The assassination attempt was fake! They just want you to get hope!”
- Rebuttal: This can be valid, if you actually have solid evidence. But most will take a handful of photos out of context and ignore the events we’re witnessing in the world. Look around; there’s a mass awakening. Orthodox Churches in America are becoming packed. More people are turning TO God as this evil is being exposed. Show me the proof that the events transpiring over the last 8 years have all been part of a darker plan to continue human enslavement and I’ll listen. But I feel hopeful.